
The Best Entrepreneur Have These Traits

Being an Entrepreneur is altogether a different experience. Life is great, you are your own boss, You make your own rules, set your goals and work on them. Seems simple? It’s more difficult that you can think of. Entrepreneurship journey isn’t an easy job. You might be a newbie or a decade old in this, but every new day makes you learn new things. It is challenging but thrilling. So, If you are ready to route this adventurous journey of yours, we here bring certain practices and habits, emulating which can be really helpful. Increase your well being and productivity and set yourself firmly on the path to success.

1.Start the day right

Mark Zuckerberg has done that too and now it’s your time. Time to start your mornings well.Get up early (PS- We are not a fan of 4 hours sleep technique.) only after getting an adequate amount of sleep. This will start your day with full energy and a positive vibe. Now instead of reaching out your phone( yeah, I know Instagram is calling you, but control!) do something productive. Exercise, read or any sort of art, not only makes the morning more productive but meaningful also. Embrace the whitespace early in the day and set the right tone for the day This leads to a far more well-rounded life.

HOW TO: Pick up your phone now and set two alarms. One that reminds you to sleep at the right time and the other to wake up on time.ON TIME.ON TIME.

2. Make pen-paper your friend

Write!write!write! Write your goals, write your deadlines, write about your next day plans and schedule. Don’t keep things in the air, write them out. One tends to forget things and being an entrepreneur you can’t take a chance to miss out on your important meeting or anything, 

You can go digital if you want, but it’s a no-no from our side. Evolving with technology is cool but when it comes to taking notes, a diary is the best. You can take your diary anywhere anytime. Not only it’s convenient too. Writing things makes you remember them at a better pace as compared to when you type them.

HOW TO: Oh, it’s simple, just buy a pretty diary and a pen.

3. Become goal-oriented

Entrepreneurs are really passionate about solving things. That is what entrepreneurship is all about. Set goals, measurable and specific goals, and then work towards achieving them. Successful entrepreneurs do not emphasize much on getting rich and famous quickly. If you want that impulsive success, you are at the wrong place buddy. Define your long and short term goal. Then work towards achieving them.No matter what hardships come in between, just keep going.

How to: Define your short and long term goals.

4. Never stop learning

Entrepreneurs know that knowledge is power. Being one, you have to be a multitasker. You are the CEO, the employee, even the peon and everything else. Spend time acquiring information from all kinds of sources-  read great books, watch TEDtalks/Josh talks, listen to the podcast, take notes, talk to people similar to your business background. Do everything possible that will enlighten you, give you knowledge. Look for inspiration everywhere, this will give you a fresh perspective. Travel more, this will give new life lessons and experiences.

How to: Meet new people, read more, make room for an unplanned activity in your busy schedule. 

5. Practice bravery

You have already abandoned your secure lifestyle, a steady paycheck and had ventured into the unknown. Now you can’t go back. You have to be persistent and persuasive. You have decided on something, you have to do it anyhow. Don’t take no for an answer. Do things, take risks, practice bravery. But always remember that don’t be a reckless dream chaser, take risks but calculated. Successful entrepreneurs have calculated risk taker.

How to: First walk through your inhibitions, do something completely outside your comfort zone.

6. Learn to be self-motivated

An entrepreneur’s journey involves a lot of hardship. You might feel stuck and alone at the time, in fact, many times. There is no one overseeing you, and what you are doing.No one to hustle you to keep going. So it becomes tough at times to keep going. Cultivating a mindset of motivation is tough but important to achieve your dreams.

How to: set specific and challenging goals, take ownership and always celebrate your wins even if they are small.

7. Keep Good Company 

Your company matters. The people around you make you, shape you. Entrepreneurs understand the value of a strong community and a vast network. Your circle should be a perfect mix of partners, mentors, peer. If you can’t find, Join a coworking workspace, and associate yourself with a co-worker around you. They can be of great support and can really help you in the areas you are not an expert in. Being part of a diverse,  community leads to great conversations and unexpected inspiration.

How to: Your family, your friends sadly won’t be of any help in your business. Try to get into a co-working office, Your co-worker can be of real help to you. There you’ll find people from different background and profession. Be open to people who share different opinions, lifestyles, and preferences. 

8. Be more grateful

Entrepreneurs are thankful. Thankful to every people you have come across their entrepreneurial journey.Moving forward with thankfulness reinforces a renewed sense of purpose and self-fulfillment. Always remember appreciation is the key driver of success. Create a culture of gratitude within your business.

How to: Start appreciating things around you. Be thankful to people who have helped you. Even if they haven’t, isn’t just being grateful a good feeling?

A bonus advice to all the budding entrepreneurs, since you are just starting out try working out from a coworking place. Not only it is inexpensive but also more productive.

            Still doubting, if coworking is the right choice for you? 

            Come visit us at 

            CoworkDelhi is the best coworking space in Delhi, situated next to the metro Station


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